PSCAN2 Superconductor Circuit Simulator

Windows 64 bit 7, 8, or 10

PSCAN2 uses Anaconda Python distribution.

  1. Download Anaconda Python distribution from Anaconda Python Distribution. Please select Python 3.8 32bit installer
  2. Download Windows PSCAN2 package from Downloads, open cmd window and install PSCAN2 package:
     conda install pscan2-xxx.bz2

Linux 64 bit

PSCAN2 was tested on CentOS 6.5, but it should work on any modern Linux distrubution

  1. Download Anaconda Python distribution from Anaconda Python Distribution. Please select Python 3.8 64bit installer
  2. Download Linux PSCAN2 package from Downloads, open cmd window and install PSCAN2 package:
     conda install pscan2-xxx.bz2
  3. Download SuiteSparse library from the page SuiteSparse. For example SuiteSparse 4.5.3 into home dir and unpack it:
     tar xvfz SuiteSparse-4.5.3.tar.gz
     It will create dir ~/SuiteSparse
     cd ~/SuiteSparse
     cd SuiteSparse_config
     make library
     cd ../AMD
     make library
     cd ../BTF
     make library
     cd ../COLAMD
     make library
     cd ../KLU
     make library
     Add SuiteSparce libs to LD_LIBRARY_PATH
     export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/pscan2/SuiteSparse/lib:${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
  4. If PSCAN2 has issues with shared libraries, you can recreate pscan2 package:
     Install conda build package:
     conda install conda-build
     Download Linux PSCAN2 source package pscan2src_x.x.x.tgz from Downloads
     tar xvfz pscan2src_x.x.x.tgz
     It will create ~/pscan2 directory
     cd pscan2/anaconda
     conda build pscan2
     It will create a pscan2 package in the directory ~/anaconda3/conda-bld/linux-64